Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The movie critic critic: The Host, The Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda

Welcome to an exciting new feature. For every movie I see, I'll post my analysis of a critic's opinion about that movie.

What you should expect from this exciting new feature: A full, nuanced explanation of a movie review based on an explanation given to me by the critic himself that is entirely fabricated. That is, I will write as though I have interviewed the critic about his review when in fact I have magically pulled the interpretation that follows from my behind.

What you should not expect from this exciting new feature: An opinion backed up by research or even a full reading of the movie review. It is much faster and easier for me to read blurbs and then make a mad dash to judgment.

The Incredible Hulk

"By the time the Hulk is battling the Abomination it's simply watching two special effects go after each other. Were Norton and Roth even on the set?" - Daniel M. Kimmel, Worcester Telegram & Gazette (review)

I would have enjoyed this film more had it been acted out with sock puppets. Also, every character should have been voiced by Rowlf.

The Host

"Can 93% of American movie critics be wrong? On the soft and squishy Rotten Tomatoes website, an amazing 70 out of 75 critics gave a thumbs up to The Host, a hokey South Korean monster movie that makes Godzilla look like The Godfather." - Thomas Delapa, Boulder Weekly (review)

I work for the newspaper from The Flintstones. I spent the majority of my review talking about stuff entirely unrelated to the movie I was supposed to be writing about, but when I finally got around to it, I boldly raised my voice in opposition to the unjust enjoyment reviewers experienced while watching The Host. If it were up to me, all monster movies would feature rubbery dinosaurs knocking over Playmobil sets.

Kung Fu Panda

"And honestly, it’s the most entertaining DW Animation project since, well, ever. Which doesn’t mean it isn’t formulaic or dripping with bullshit sentiment about how 'everyone can succeed if they just believe in themselves.' I don’t know where this started, but I don’t think it does any service to children to feed them that line of crap." - Pete Vonder Haar, Film Threat (review)



Today's bonus discussion question: Should I have made a "HULK SMASH" joke somewhere in this post?

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